One Platform. One Intuitive Solution.
CrisisDriver gives organizations a comprehensive and customized solution for managing all types of incidents.

Instant Alert Notifications
Push one button and automatically send alert notifications via text message, push notification, phone call AND email to the right people on your team. Alert recipients are customized by severity level to ensure the appropriate people are instantly notified.
Secure, Contained Communications
Clear, organized and secure communication is key during an incident. With CrisisDriver, all incident communications are contained in one place, getting everyone instantly up to speed, and allowing legal and management to monitor throughout.
Incident Reunification
Know where your people are at all times. This optional feature provides a mobile check-in system to keep track of employees' safety status during a crisis event. CrisisDriver ensures all on-site personnel - even non-employees - are captured and accounted for.
Strategic Counsel
Use our expertise for strategic counsel, writing (buy-time statements, news releases, messaging, etc.), training & coaching, and more.
Multiple Locations
CrisisDriver allows you to have multiple locations, each with their own unique crisis plans, contacts, documents, and more. Perfect for organizations with several sites (manufacturing plants, offices, schools, job sites, etc.)
Contact Groups
Quickly communicate to key contacts, both internal (employees, staff, etc.), and external (safety and government officials, news media, community partners, etc. ) by phone, text or email. Contact individually, or send a group message to everyone in the group with the push of one button!
Crisis Communications
Action Plan
CrisisDriver provides you with a proprietary crisis communications action plan complete with roles and steps. This industry-proven plan was developed by Reputation Management LLC, one of the nation's leading crisis communications firms. The plan is completely customizable by you. Add/edit/delete roles, steps and action items to fit your organization's specific needs.
Incident Response Knowledgebase
CrisisDriver, in collaboration with Reputation Management, LLC, provides organizations with a comprehensive incident response and crisis communication resource center. Tips, articles, videos and step-by-step instructions are included for quick reference before or during a crisis.
Geo-Location Mapping
The Geo-Location feature allows users to send their GPS coordinates to identify their location in an incident. Perfect for transportation issues or employees working off-site. You'll always know exactly where the incident took place.
Document Management
Instantly access and drop important documents (site plans, messaging documents, emergency response plans, SDS documents, etc.) to your team in seconds. Off-line availability ensures documents are always readily available for viewing and export.
Complete Data Control
We understand all organizations have unique setups and characteristics. CrisisDriver allows full customization of all data displayed in the mobile application, from contact groups and site locations, to setting alert preferences and distribution.
Incident response has two primary actions taking place: communication and management. Some users simply need the ability to send alerts/updates while others require a more robust system for managing the situation. CrisisDriver provides you both options in one tool.
Data & Analytics
A key component to incident response is data collection for proper investigation and mitigation actions. CrisisDriver maintains a database of all incidents by type, location, and date including all correspondence.
News Media Monitoring
Discover what others are saying about your incident and quickly correct misinformation. Quickly responding to media is one of the critical components to protecting your reputation.
Active Directory Integration (Option)
Streamline user authentication by integrating CrisisDriver into your existing active directory.
News Media Database
CrisisDriver can provide a comprehensive and up-to-date database of all key media members by geographical region to contact during a crisis.